
Home Products&Program City Sanitation Cloud Platform

Smart Sanit. Cloud Plat.

Infore Environment Technology Group (Abb : Infore Enviro), listed on the Main Board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (stock code : 000967), strives to become a respected and trusted industry leader in intelligent environmental equipment and services, particularly sanitation robots. It has 10 wholly-owned subsidiaries, 3 holding companies, 3 industrial bases, 10 R&D platforms, 100+ branches, and over 300 operation centers.

Smart Sanit. Cloud Plat.



Smart sanitation cloud platform is a core patented product independently developed by Yingfeng environment with an investment of 100 million yuan and relying on 5g mobile Internet, Internet of things, Al big data, image recognition, edge computing and other technologies.

By upgrading the electrical system of environmental sanitation equipment, adding intelligent sensing hardware and integrating vehicle communication protocol, it realizes the "people, vehicles, things and things" of environmental sanitation and cleaning operation, and constructs a full-time, all-round, seamless connection between front and rear platforms, accurate and efficient full life cycle operation service supervision and intelligent efficiency enhancement.

Cleaner World, Better Future

The platform was selected into the top ten innovation cases of China's smart sanitation in 2018, the pilot demonstration of industrial Internet platform in key industries of the Ministry of industry and information technology in 2019, and the provincial industrial Internet platform construction plan of Hunan Province in 2020. Today, the smart sanitation cloud platform has been implemented in more than 110 smart sanitation projects in more than 40 cities across the country.

Function Introduction

For People For People

For People

Personnel scheduling
Track fence
Cleaning operation
Sanitation events
Process approval
Attendance analysis
Disciplinary evaluation

For People
For Vehicle For Vehicle

For Vehicle

Attendance scheduling
Route planning
Job analysis
Violation monitoring
Video surveillance
Refueling Management

For Vehicle
For Matter For Matter

For Matter

Man Shi monitoring
Asset inventory
AI image recognition
Intelligent voice scheduling
Weighing and metering
Video patrol
License plate recognition

For Matter

Platform Advantages

Best business practices for sanitation operation

Unified standard for equipment IOT sensing data

Equipment intelligent networking cluster operation

Life cycle maintenance big data application

Handheld ultimate cloud housekeeper service

AI intelligent analysis of sanitation operation

5G visual intelligent supervision

Whole industry chain business system integration

Scenario Application

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